What comes to your mind when you hear the word Empowerment? Do you think of women’s rights, the will and drive to chase your dreams, or even the act of embodying your strengths by accepting what makes you different from others? I think of all of those things and more but I also immediately think of my daughter who is now just 6 weeks old. It is now my job as her mother and a woman who believes in empowering other women to give her that wonderful feeling by making sure she knows she can do whatever she sets her mind to.
authority or power given to someone to do something.
“individuals are given empowerment to create their own dwellings”
the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.
“political steps for the empowerment of women”
I always knew I wanted to have children whether I had a boy or girl. I also knew that if I had a girl I would do whatever it took to empower her the way that I was by the strong women in my life. My personal goal would be to make sure to start the process since day one. At least by putting the game plan together so that once she understands more than my silly faces and crazy mom noises I can start empowering her to be the queen I know she can be.
The youth is truly the future and the way that I see it I can only start to encourage that future by prepping my own daughter first. Now I know what you might be thinking, how do I intend to do this without ruining her days as a care free child? It’s very simple.
Empowering a Young Queen
Rule Numero Uno: Let her be herself even if it isn’t what you pictured what that would look like.
– I am a girly girl and heaven knows I would love nothing more than to share the same love for glitter and glam that I have with my daughter. BUT that may not be what happens. There might be a day when I’m planning her sparkly pretty outfit for the day and she decides she wants to dress up in a T-Rex costume. *Pictures those inflated T-Rex costumes but in a kids version and how damn cute that would be.* Or even a day when instead of playing with barbies she wants to go ride her little motorcycle in the dirt all day. (I had both kinds of days growing up and found the balance to go riding and dress up because who wouldn’t want to ride around and go fast while dressing like a princess!? 😝) Regardless which day comes I will always let my daughter choose who she wants to be as long as what she chooses does not put her or anyone else in harms way. By doing this I feel like your allowing her to grow as individual and not what society’s pressures might mold her into. There are enough followers in the world so why not promote our girls to be leaders instead?
Rule Number Two: Be the person she feels most comfortable going to even for the bad stuff.
– My mom was an extremely outgoing mom which was great most times but sometimes had it’s downside. She always kept it real with me and when I say real I mean it! If I asked a question she never made an excuse for an answer or dismissed what I wanted to know to a later date. She would tell me right then and there no matter how ugly or even inappropriate the truth might be. Other moms weren’t always that free spirited but that’s what made me talk to my mom about EVERYTHING. Whether it was a personal situation, advice on touchy topics, or secrets I didn’t even tell my best friend she was always someone I knew I could confide in. My grandmother who is known as my Grammy was the same way only I felt it was best for our relationship for me to filter out some of the nitty gritty details so I wouldn’t burn her ears. My mom on the other hand could handle it and still can. I will definitely take that one from her parenting book and finesse it into my own parenting style.
The Final Rule…Number Three: Lead by example and intrigue her to do the same.
– I have made plenty of mistakes but hey I learned from them and have made plenty of great decisions going forward. As a new mom I want to show my daughter that my actions in this very role are actions she should follow in her own way. I want her to be kind, loving, and strong so the only real way to instill that in her is to be those things myself. It is so true that kids are always watching. They mimic our every move and it’s even apparent in the early stages of their lives. When I make a noise my daughter does it back. When I make a silly face she tries to copy it to the best of her baby ability. I’ve realized that the example we set for our kids will most likely be what they emulate in the future. So my hope is that when I do good in the world and pay it forward to others she will do the same. I hope that when I go for something that I desire she will work just as hard to make her own dreams come true with my support following right behind.
There is no guide to parenting and I know I still have tons to learn but that’s the joy of being a parent. I know that she will show me the way though. Children don’t come with instructions and there is no such thing as a do-over. We can only try our best to do what is in our child’s best interest and pray that one day our daughters will be the fearless queens that we see them as. Empowering a young queen isn’t hard at all, it’s only a matter of finding the right foundational morals and habits to pass down to her when it’s time for her to take on the world.